Carbon footprint of electric vehicles: even better in the future One of the recurring criticisms of electric vehicles is the carbon footprint of battery manufacturing,…
Cement-Concrete Industry: Challenges of Decarbonized Production and Usage The cement-concrete industry is a significant emitter of greenhouse gases. It releases approximately 0.6 tonnes…
Europe is once again leading the way in sustainability with the CSRD 1. What is the CSRD? In recent years, the global corporate landscape has been undergoing…
E-waste: how to stop the “tsunami” of discarded electronics rolling out over the world? Electrical or Electronic Equipment (EEE) has drastically changed our daily lives over the past 50…
Over 70% of French unicorns have neither a positive impact intrinsically linked to their activity, nor a clear commitment strategy Over the past 20 years, the world has seen the emergence of more than a…
The untapped potential of 3D-printed prostheses for BoP populations 400 million people globally need a prosthesis, but over 85% do not have access to…